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Bobby Patrol Service

The Bobby Patrol Service is a unique concept and is the original creation of Patricia Horwood

Badrse Security aims to provide a watchful eye on people and their property across the Isle of Wight with our Bobby Patrol Service.  Our focus is on offering a singular service aimed at supporting the community.  We aim to provide reassurance with the visual presence of an officer regularly being seen.  This aims to provide a deterrant as well as the comfort of knowing a familiar face will be calling by to check everything is ok.


We know from experience, how vulnerable, anxious or fearful a person can feel when they are on their own or where couples and families have particular needs.  It is easy for small things to become mountains of worry. 


An SIA Officer can give you the reassurance of a familiar face at regular times.  This may give you the chance to say hello too.  We believe this supports community and industry across the island.


Subscribe to the service and book the frequency of visits to suit you. 


Our minimum service for the Bobby Patrol is one daytime visit per week.


For your empty property surveillance needs, please discuss your needs with us.  For example whether this is a one off booking for the period of a holiday, or for a longer term period.


We have structured this service with the aim to keep the costs down and so keep administration to a minimum.


We have partnered with a firm of full security services should your needs fall outside our remit so you can be sure all your needs will be met.



Badrse Security Services

Living our Best Island Life

Recorded Visits

Visits are recorded as are any incidents.  If you wish us to report relevant problems to the PCSO or Police for investigation, this can be done or you can report incidents yourself via the usual 101.  Remember also that our sister companies provide a range of services that may be of help such as mediation for disputes or a CompanionCarePA to break up the week or provide help.  The very nature of the role of your SIA Officer will mean constant assessment and records of the visits.  Badrse Security will regularly review these records and the position with clients for as long as the client is subscribed to the service.  As with a CarePA, this will involve contact with a family member if the situation requires it, and be able to watch out for safeguarding and social concerns.

Familiar Face

Each client that has subscribed to our service will be allocated a certain amount of time for the officer to call by, and if you wish it, to say hello.  We hope these are visits you can rely on and look forward to, knowing there is a familiar face that is getting to know you.  You may choose to have a regular slot weekly, or an ad hoc visits, depending on your needs.

Use 101 and 999 as usual

Please note, this service does not replace the services of the PCSO or the Police.  It is designed to complement them and provide a service that is not within their remit or time.  If you need to report an incident, please call 101 as usual or 999 as needed.


Badrse Security Officers will work at all times for the benefit of the community that hires them and will work hand in hand with PCSO's and the Police as needed. 




The minimum service is one scheduled day time visit per week.  We have extended our daytime to include the hours of 8am to 6pm to allow for a full working day.  However, you are free to book more regular visits if you wish.  Out of hours and weekend visits can also be arranged.  Holiday or regular property surveillance can also be arranged as can the presence of more than one officer per visit if you think it is needed.

Changing Face of Policing

You will see from the article on the BDSS Services page, that the whole world of policing our community and national security has been changing and continues to do so.  Govt and Security Enquiries and Pilots are being trialled over the UK as the private security sector is being considered as first responders to work with PCSO's and the Police.  Our unique focus on the community welfare, we hope positions us to become an invaluable asset to that community as time goes by.  We would love to see a service that grows, develops and shapes itself to cover the needs of the whole community.  As such we will be on the lookout to add in further courses and training that complement the specific role of an SIA Officer within the community.


These are the early days of such a service and we would hope that it continues to change and grow with the needs of our clients.

Office Hours

Having experienced the last four decades of high drive 24/7 client services, we are a great believer in work / life balance and happily join the many others who think the same way.  Healthy, satisfied, balanced workers produce better quality work, loyalty, commitment and better decision making.  We do expect our businesses and staff to close and turn to the other important areas of their life.

Having said that, technology means that businesses can attend to their business 24/7 and any business owner is unlikely to resist working all the hours needed to ensure satisfied clients and a successful business.  We will look at emails, listen to messages, write letters and can even make appointments, out of hours.  As such you can be assured that even when our offices appear closed, we are attending to business.

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