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The CompanionCarePA


A CompanionCarePA role is open to most people able to transport themselves to a client.  This is a role that can be taken by anyone, of any age and ability.  You may be a professional working person; a student; suffering ill health and feeling alone yourself; retired;  or feeling like you could be doing something worthwile.  All that is required is that you are able to get to and keep your appts.  Friendship and companionship have no boundaries or limitations.  A CompanionCarePA may have as little, or as many, hours and clients in a week or month as they wish.     For example, if you currently receive an allowance, you are likely to be able to earn up to a certain amount per month without affecting it, thereby allowing you to become a CompanionCarePA if you control your hours.  However, it is very important you ensure you have all the facts that suit your situation.

introduction care agency

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Registration and Checks

All CompanionCarePA's are registered with DCCA and will provide a DBS check.  (There is such a backlog its a good idea to get on and apply anyway).  They may or may not have care certificates.  There will be two age appropriate references provided.


Every applicant will be interviewed and assessed by DCCA before going on the Register.  The main criteria is simply the ability to be sensitive, sociable and friendly for one to two hours. 


A CCPA, like other CarePAs will be self employed, their rates are therefore individual.  All payments will be via our secure accountancy service. 



For a complete Care Package add in the Bobby Patrol Service. 

What better gift than the gift of care and reassurance?  Give the Bobby Patrol Service as a gift to your loved one.

CompanionCarePA Role

What would you like to do with your CompanionCarePA?


You can discuss this with us when you register with Daisy Chain Care Agency.  This may involve simply chatting over a cup of tea, reading together, a puzzle or game or helping you with a hobby.  You may like to organise an appt or trip to a cafe during the visit if health and mobility allow.   If your requirements are bit more complex, you may like to consider a CarePA or even a blend of the two services.


When planning to help someone you care about, do remember it takes time for trust and a friendship to develop.  A person may be resistant to help or take time to accept that help.  Patience, kindness and understanding are important.

Follow Up

Once a placement has been made and you have hired your CCPA there will be ad hoc follow up calls from the agency to both you the client, and the CCPA, with a note made of the calls and kept on your file.  This is to encourage good practice and safety.  Once we get to a certain age we become more vulnerable and we deserve to be protected.  Although our responsibility, as an agency, ends with the introduction and hiring of a CCPA, we care about our potentially vulnerable clients and we hope this service is useful. 

Training, Welfare & Safety

They may be able to do a course if there is a specific need with the placement such as Moving and Handling if needed.


If you have concerns about the welfare of an older person, this can be reported to a number of agencies such as Age UK or Adult Social Services.  To help you assess the situation, there are a number of resources on the Client Resources Page


Every client who registers with us looking for a CompanionCarer will be required to register with the AgeUK Befriending Service and DCCA can help you do this.  This means there is an added, independent friendship contact and an extra person to tell everything to.  This will help keep you safe and be another source for support or signposting.



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