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BDSS aims to provide a watchful eye on people and their property across the Isle of Wight with our our Bobby Patrol Service.  


An SIA Officer can give you the reassurance of a familiar face at regular times.  We aim to support community and industry across the island.

Use an Isle of Wight accent to pronounce the business name correctly

Badrse Security Services

Subscribe or hire BDSS for as few or many hours as you need per week.  Provide a familiar face for a welfare check with the comfort of a security that your loved one and/or property may need.

If you are interested in registering as a BDSS SIA Guard you may email us your details on

Supports safe & peaceful independent living

The Orca whale is known as the Wolf of the Sea and is actually part of the dolphin family.  They have never been known to harm a human. They are amongst the top seven of the fiercest protective animals and, to coin a modern phrase, are indeed a badass, the kind of badass we all want protecting our families and communities. They equal elephants, wolves and dolphins in that respect.  This group of animals often provide their injured and vulnerable family members with food, care and protection.  This behaviour even rivals our human qualities.


The Orca is fiercely protective of their families and maintain close family bonds throughout the whole lives of the next generations.  This symbol aligned very well with the purpose and aims of Badrse Security Services.

We provide a group of services to aid living a better quality of life as individuals and families. Our trio of companies work hand in hand in support of our individual and community needs.  Please enquire.


Go to for planning information. 

A variety of planning such as Wholelife planning surrounding a Will, Care Planning, through to terminal or serious illness planning.  Like the Orca, we are fiercely protective of our families and want to provide the best we can manage for them. You will find a Client Resources Page where we encourage you to consider carefully the kind of care you may need.  It also has links to tips and ideas to help keep independent living for as long as you can. 


For independent living support go to


For further details on our services, including our Bobby Patrol, please go to this page


To call and discuss your requirements, use the head office main number of Tipi Wills & Mediation above which, for now, covers all three companies. 

A common frustration at the moment, in our rapidly changing society and community, is the growing lack of human interaction encroaching into all areas.  Whilst there are huge benefits to us to utilise technology where it enriches our lives, when it does not serve us positively, we are very clearly rejecting it.  Loneliness, isolation, loss of jobs, loss of privacy are all areas that challenge us today and we find we do not wish to replace the visual, face to face presence and the intelligent responses that come with that, with a chat bot. 


Badrse Security Services isnt getting ahead of the curve, it is simply stepping onto the curve, that has already begun, to provide quality services that enable us to have our communities and property protected in the way we need and expect.  Security Services are already developing the breadth of what they offer as our communities drive forward ways for each of the serving organisations to work together in order to achieve what we want and expect and fill emerging gaps.  One role does not replace the other services as roles are developing and carved out for each, but more aim to complement each other as those roles become more defined.

Living alone, having a home that needs protecting while you are away, experiencing disturbances, worried about monitoring a situation ... there are so many reasons to be feeling vulnerable or concerned and wish there was a way to make life feel safer and more secure.  So. I was asked (I meaning owner/director) why not add an SIA service onto the Daisy Chain Agency services that will call round and do a welfare check on people.  What a brilliant idea! 


Requirements are each unique, but also have a great deal of commonality.  Without fail each of us needs to feel fundamentally safe and secure in all areas of our lives, relationships, families and communities.  For those of us of a certain age, we knew what it was like to have a local policeman tell us off for scrumping the neighbour's apples and who kept an eye on the community members, of all ages.  He knew most of the community.  As the police force has become hugely stretched and safety matters now include such things as cyber and internet security, which is hugely important, it is increasingly difficult for resources to include the kind of police presence some of us were used to. 


There is a fundamental change in the way our communities are supported.  In the evolution of policing, the local bobby then became a voluntary special constable and who is now a pcso and a paid member of the police force who works in our communities.  The "main" police seem more and more to be at arms length and only to be called upon once there has been a crime or one in progress, and this has crept up on us.  It is naturally dividing up.  The few officers available are covering huge amounts of geography and many of us simply experience the crimes as recorded.  The changing world is faster than we have adapted, for now.  Many of us find this presents a gap in the protection of our communities that did not used to be there.  Today, there is an increasing use of private security to fill that gap and in fact, it is likely to become the norm as all these services merge or collaborate to provide the overall service we need. 


The Security Research Initiative made a number of findings in the use of SIA Security in 2019 :

" The survey and report highlight a number of interesting considerations – at what many feel is a turning point in state policing.  Police Watchdog internal findings have revealed that the police force is facing a ‘national crisis’ in the number of new recruits joining the organisation.  This, alongside growing crime rates and an increase threat level in terrorism would suggest that a merger is needed and perhaps inevitable. 

Already, officials both in Law enforcement and the private industry have seen the potential benefits of private security assisting as first responders and working under delegated responsibility. Pilots are being rolled out in Scotland all through summer 2018 with a focus on the role that private security can have in counter terrorism." 


At the time of writing this article, we have not researched further what is actually the developing direction of our policing and the clear rabbit hole that presents.  But, it is reasonably safe to say that it is under great change and development, with the SIA registered security likely playing an increasingly important role. 


Click on this link if you wish to read more about the SRI report


We all support our police forces, care industries, in fact all those services that enable our communities and society to run smoothly.  It is a great thing that the need for change and growth is recognised.  It is also well documented, that where individuals and communities see a need, throughout history it is shown that it is inevitable a way will be found to fill it. 




The creation and content of this website is strictly the idea and property of Patricia Horwood

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