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Client Resources

We have decided to include most of the Client Resources page from the Daisy Chain Care Agency.  We believe much of this information is useful when considering care of a family member, particularly an aging family member.

There are a large number of resources on the Internet for helping you to decide whether your loved one might need help and how to go about that.  Patricia says "I dont know about you, but I'm sure I'd be pretty resistant to accepting I need help or visits from strangers, so it is also important to understand the person and deal with things in a sensitive and caring manner.  A great way to do that is to reinforce the idea to a loved one, that the aim is to enable them to stay independent but happy and safe, to stay at home, with a familiar environment & belonging & people, maybe a pet too, but be offering a help to achieve that.  I might be persuaded by that."

Age UK Services on Offer

Signs an aging parent may need help

Age UK Befriending Service

Care to be Different

We are a great fan of this charity and the reason it was set up.  Health Care Assessments and Continuing Health Care Assesssements can be a minefield.  It is not at all uncommon for people to simply believe they have to accept the social needs assessment and pay large sums of money to the Local Authority for social care.   This charity explains why this is not correct.  It is not uncommon for that to be misassessed and redefined as medical care.  A patient with Dementia or Alzheimers for example, is indeed a medical patient entitled to NHS care.  Please ensure you obtain all the relevant information before accepting the outcome of assessments.  Because this is a real problem, the goverment have added cut off times for challenging assessments or fees incorrectly paid.  Challenges for fees incorrectly paid, for example, have been successful and refunded.  There are organisations that help with this also.  This problem emphasises DCCA being a fan of living at home for as long as possible and that clients understand there is also a Right to Die at Home.  There is a lot to know and weigh up and this charity is very helpful, even with their own legal support service for you.  

With good planning and organisation, you might just be able to manage things more in the way you would like.  .... (please see Tipi Wills & Mediation for more on this ).

More signs an aging parent may need help

Care for Rehabilitation or Other Conditions

Please note that whilst many people may be considering a CarePA for later life, there are of course a large number of scenarios where help might be required.  Please do enquire if you think a CarePA might be able to help.

Tips on How to Help keep your aging parent at home

Although this is an American site, it is an award winning website giving you tips on how to look after yourself if you are a carer, how to assess care needs and when to add in help, and how to help keep the home more friendly. 

AgeUK provides some useful tips and adaptations to your home.  For example, I recall an interview where an older person was getting forgetful about where the cups were kept in the kitchen.  This can be quite distressing.  To help, it is suggested that the relevant cupboard doors be taken off, taking away the stress of the problem.  Very simple but quite brilliant idea. 

Tips and advice on helping parents with finances

A selection of usful information and tips on Financial Caregiving  Financial Caregiving 101


Pros and Cons of joint bank accounts with


Badrse Security Bobby Patrol Service

An elderly or disabled relative or couple, may be finding it difficult to cope with neighbours, noise disturbance, or worry about being vulnerable if they are alone.  All incidents should be reported to 101 and if possible, the PCSO can visit. 

You may want to allay fears but not need or wish to get the local authority involved, wishing to retain as much independence as possible.


If you would like the reassurance of a regular uniformed officer calling by regularly, then the Bobby Patrol service may be just what you need.


Your SIA Officer will communicate with the PCSO and Police as needed.  However, the regular presence of the BDSS officer may be just what you need.


Just because you wish to live your best life ......

Whilst it may come - the serious illnesses and health issues - it also may not.  You may wish to be living your best life now and just need a bit of help to do so.  If you would like a CarePA to help you to enjoy life a little more, then please contact us.

This is for you, you don't have to wait on someone else to organise for you.  Ensure your independence for as long as possible and enjoy living your best life at the same time

Some people do not have families nearby, for a large number of reasons.  It is not at all uncommon for couples or single people to find themselves alone and feeling isolated in their later years.  Maybe there are health limitations that have stopped you from driving and getting out as much as you would like, maybe one of you is trying to be a carer for the other.  This can mean getting help to appointments or social events is difficult. 


There is no reason at all, why you cannot organise yourself entirely as you wish, to stay in your home with as little or as much help as you like.  You may like to hire a CarePA, or a CompanionCarePA, or even both, to come in regularly to help you organise certain things, prepare the odd meal and change the beds or go to an appt.  The help you would like is personal to you.  You may simply like your day to run smoothly and happily in the way you would like, allowing you to enjoy your time to the full.  You may also like to prepare for any changes in the future. 


You can discuss with us who your family or attorney contacts are, the care or support you may also have around you such as your GP or community nurse, so that there is always an emergency contact for you.


Please contact us to discuss how we can help you to organise living your best life now. 

Respite Care Advice from

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